Activate Account or Reset Your Password

Every student, faculty and staff member has a username and password, which are used to access Utica University's online and electronic resources. This web site allows for changing the password that applies to most services, including:

Account Information
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(International Students Only)
- OR -
(International Students Only)
Compliance Notices

Utica University fully complies with the terms of its academic accreditations, as well as all federal, state, and local laws. As part of this compliance, the University is required to provide its students, faculty, and staff with information regarding certain rights and policies. Each of these rights and policies is listed below, as well as a link to the full text of the item.

(Last updated September 4, 2023)

By checking the box below, I confirm that I have received and reviewed the information contained at each of these links, and that copies of such information are also available to me upon request to the relevant University office.
